modern learn lab


Twenty + classes a week offered for free to adult learners in a variety of creative disciplines in supportive, gently structured learning environments meeting students where they are.


Comprehensive Arts Education Package, CAEP, is an educational package which includes curriculum, materials, resources, and two trained teachers to support trauma-informed arts education within housing and other service providers.


A MLL Certified teacher training program which prepares individuals to teach the arts to encourage the development of soft and vocational skills through trauma-informed teaching protocols for adult learners.


A 10 week course in partnership with UCLA Extension which focuses on workforce readiness and which leads to a capstone “graduation” and a Guaranteed Interview.


In partnership with local community colleges, we offer dual enrollment where MLL students are able to earn college credit inside the MLL facility. This allows are students both to gently reach into college course work in a safe and supportive environment and bank college credit until ready.